Hamm School of Engineering

Engineering students meeting with professor in the new design center

Develop your Professional Skills and Cultural Awareness. Prepare for Success in a High-demand Field.

As a student in the Hamm School of Engineering, you’ll be well prepared for all aspects of your career. 我们的使命是培养具有本笃道德指南针和仆人式领导精神的高素质专业人士-这意味着您将学习所选领域所需的先进知识, gain skills in communication and collaboration, and practice ethical leadership rooted in Benedictine values.

我们最先进的设施于2020年开放,由超过35家顶级工程公司投入创建,设有机械车间, student design center, a design fundamentals lab, and multiple lab spaces dedicated to each major. 我们的重点是本科教育,这意味着你可以完全使用这些设施(不会被研究生赶出去)!) and to our dedicated faculty, whose priority is teaching. 

+, 我们的小班教学和动手学习的方法转化为学生的成功:许多工程专业的学生有很高的工作和实习安置率.


I am so grateful for my education from the University of Mary. 我自信地进入我的职业生涯,拥有良好的技术技能和将本笃会价值观融入工程专业的愿望.

梅根Achbach, Electrical Engineering, '24
Engineering students working in shop



Engineering students working on Bobcat machinery



Shelly Jerome Announcement



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A Message From the Dean 

每天早上我走进工程学院,看到学生们到处都在学习, 聊天, building cool devices, and debating intricate mathematical equations on the windows and whiteboards. They are smiling and laughing with excitement in their eyes; you can clearly see they love it here. I love it here, too! 你也会.

Engineers are the technical brains behind our modern world. They invent new technologies: electronic devices, computer processors, 电网, 机器人, 卫星, communication networks, and biomedical devices. 他们设计我们的道路、城市、电力系统、供水系统、医院和基础设施. 他们制造的发动机为从农业和工业设备到赛车的一切提供动力, 火箭, and jet airplanes.

As an engineer, you will help design and create the future world.

我们的课程为学生提供技术技能,并为他们的职业生涯做好领导素质和道德价值观的准备. We offer degrees in civil, 机械, 电, 环境, 除了建筑管理和计算机科学,还有计算机工程. 我们聘请顶尖的教授和技术人员在我们最先进的设施中与行业专家一起教授学生-确保我们的学生具备当今工业劳动力所需的尖端技能.

Through collaboration with industry, we offer paid 实习, cooperative education programs, and research opportunities to our students. 这种现实世界的经验转化为我们学生的工作机会:我们毕业生的就业率为99%!

Through your time here, 你会遇到一辈子的朋友,享受那些能在智力和精神上支持你成长的活动. Our small class sizes, one-on-one interactions with professors, and hands-on laboratory experience set us apart. It will do the same for you, as an engineering student at Mary.


— Dr. Terry Pilling, Dean



我喜欢课程的设计,培养创造力和批判性思维, 可以使用最新的技术工具和一个支持的信仰团体.

马克Stotzer, 计算机科学, '27

Are the Engineering programs accredited?


What facilities and lab spaces are used in the School of Engineering?

The Hamm School of Engineering building ​was built in Summer 2020. This new facility features a machine shop, student design center, design fundamentals lab, and multiple lab spaces dedicated to each major. 

Are internship opportunities available to students?

The Hamm School of Engineering has relationships with over 50 companies, 机构, and organizations with branches in Bismarck. 大多数公司每年都会为学生提供多次带薪实习机会. 学院鼓励学生在夏季实习或在秋季或春季学期兼职.

Can I get an internship as an out-of-state student?

许多提供实习机会的公司在北达科他州设有多个办事处, 该地区, 还有这个国家. 想在夏季学期在俾斯麦工作的学生可以住在校园里的宿舍. 喜欢在暑假住在家里的学生可以与教师一起探索离家更近的实习机会.

Is it possible to study abroad with the engineering curriculum?

A semester studying abroad is feasible with any engineering curriculum. 我们建议您与您的学术顾问会面,制定个性化的海外学期学习计划.


Many students pursue minors or a double major in areas such as mathematics, 音乐, 业务, and Catholic studies. This may not be recommended for all students; however, 如果学生愿意在他们的学位计划中增加时间或在夏季学期注册,这是可能的. If you are planning to pursue multiple degrees, we encourage you to meet with your faculty advisor to plan your coursework.

Can I be a scholar-athlete and still complete a degree in engineering?

Yes, it is possible for scholar-athletes to study engineering. 足球, 垒球, 棒球, 足球, track, 越野, 摔跤, and basketball athletes have studied in the Hamm School of Engineering. 一些学者运动员选择用一个五年计划来完成这个项目,以更好地适应训练和比赛的时间表. If you are a scholar-athlete, 我们建议你每学期与你的学术顾问见面,以确保完成学位的进展.

What are typical class sizes?

With the exception of introductory-level courses, class sizes are capped at 20-25 students for engineering courses.

Does the curriculum feature labs/hands-on/design work?

教师在他们的课程中包括许多现实世界和实践应用. Classes are taught in a laboratory setting, 这使得基本理论和实际应用之间可以自由转换. Students learn through a combination of lab work, 设计项目, and use of real-world data, such as case studies.

What if I do not know what area or major of engineering I want to pursue?

我们的工程课程设计独特,所以你不需要在大一之前就知道要攻读什么类型的工程学位. All first year engineering students take the same courses, 让学生有时间了解不同工程类型之间的差异, while making progress towards an engineering degree. Throughout the curriculum, 学生们与攻读不同工程学位的学生一起上课和完成设计项目. 这为学生提供了与其他专业领域的人一起从事跨学科项目的经验, just as they will in the workforce.


The Hamm School of Engineering prepares engineers for the workplace. 毕业生既有专业能力,又有道德操守. 通过我们的工程课程,学生们学会了将这些品质整合到自己身上, liberal arts core curriculum, 实习, 学生生活, and extracurricular activities.


We’re here to help. Call us at 701-355-8030 or 800-288-6279 (MARY).